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Argyll and Bute Women's Aid

Supplied by Argyll and Bute Women's Aid SCIO

Service Details

The organisation supports women, children and young people who have experienced or an in fear of domestic abuse perpetrated by partners or ex-partners by providing temporary refuge accommodation, providing support and information on access to other services, and providing structured supportive opportunities to allow these women, children and young people to make choices for their future. It liaises with other services, including the police, and advocates for women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse within legal and other protection services.

Area of Operation

Helensburgh & Lomond, Mid Argyll & Kintyre, Oban, Lorn & the Isles, Cowal & Bute

Contact Details

  01369 706636

  Hazelburn Business Park Millknowe,Campbeltown,PA28 6HA