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Couple Counselling

Supplied by Argyll Couple Counselling

Service Details

Argyll Couple Counselling can help both individuals and couples, clients do not have to be in a relationship to seek help. Clients may be married, single, living together or apart, in opposite or same sex relationships. The counselling is undertaken by trained professionals and is a confidential process where clients will be helped to explore their difficulties in a safe and neutral setting. Anyone over the age of sixteen can make a face to face, telephone or on-line appointment. Clients are given written guidance, before counselling starts, to help them decide what they can reasonably contribute towards the cost of counselling.

Area of Operation

Helensburgh & Lomond, Mid Argyll & Kintyre, Oban, Lorn & the Isles, Cowal & Bute

Days Available

Contact Details

  0300 111 0031