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Community Hub

Supplied by Furnace Community SCIO

Service Details

The SCIO owns and manages the village hall. In 2019 the SCIO was successful in raising funds to save the village store and post office from possible closure along with the bungalow behind it. The bungalow is let out to the shop???s new business owners. The SCIO also cares for the 5.1/2 mile Leacainn Walk, the village picnic area and the Memorial Garden. It also organises some fun stuff too such as the monthly table quizzes, the annual Gala Weekend, monthly bingo sessions, the Christmas Party and the Christmas lights and switch on. Support is offered to anyone wishing to organise their own event. The hall is home to groups like the Bowling Club and the fortnightly coffee mornings as well as various keep fit sessions.

Area of Operation

Mid Argyll & Kintyre

Days Available

Contact Details

  ,Furnace,PA32 8XN