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Maritime Museum

Supplied by The Egg Shed

Service Details

The Egg Shed is a heritage and community hub which launched in Ardrishaig on 2nd August 2019. It???s the latest milestone marker in the regeneration of Ardrishaig Harbour on the Crinan Canal. The Scottish Canals-led partnership project has transformed and extended a historic, disused building ??? known locally as the ???Egg Shed??? ??? into a bespoke interpretation and community centre, which tells the story of the Crinan Canal and the communities on its banks. Visitors to The Egg Shed are invited to learn the stories of ???Britain???s most beautiful shortcut,??? the Crinan Canal, within the exhibition space of The Egg Shed, and have the opportunity to purchase a souvenir in the shop. With artefacts from Scottish Canals displayed alongside items supplied by the local community, you can experience the rich history of the Crinan Canal within The Egg Shed, with local people sharing their memories of the canal. There is a community space within the building, which could become home to art exhibits, community workshops, and much more.

Area of Operation

Mid Argyll & Kintyre

Days Available

Contact Details

  01546 603210

  The Steamer Terminal Pier Square,Ardrishaig,PA30 8DZ