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Projects and Partnership Work

Supplied by The Isle of Kerrera Development Trust

Service Details

Old School : Since its inception and through community consultation, one of the main priorities of IKDT has been to secure a community venue. Slipways and Breakwater : IKDT successfully negotiated the acquisition of it's first income generating community asset in 2015/16. Community Landing Stages: IKDT put together a great bid to Coastal Communities in 2016 for community landing stages that unfortunately fell at the final hurdle due to oversubscription. North / South Link Road : Kerrera is in essence two communities without a connecting road. This project has been on the table for decades however we hope that finally things are moving forward positively. Comic Relief Septic Waste Award : IKDT are delighted that Comic Relief has funded it's bid to create a social enterprise concerned with rural septic waste management. Kerrera Ebikes : Information about our island Ebike Project

Area of Operation

Oban, Lorn & the Isles

Days Available

Contact Details

  Kerrera,Oban,PA34 4SX